Little Operating System
(c) Miroslav Nemecek
Litos represents my efforts to create a small operating system (LITtle Operation System). Despite I gave up my efforts for a few times, I'm constantly coming back to this idea.
LITUX (only in Czech) - first experiments with operating systems. Systems MICRODOS (finished 70%) and LT-DOS (finished 40%), compatible with DOS.
LITOS in assembler - another extensive attempt, 32-bit system in protect mode (finished 30%). It took several years, but I had to give it up because of too laborious.
In scope of this project a boot diskette for measurement of CPU instructions was created.
LITOS8 - experimental pseudo-8-bit system. It serves to get acquinted with area of creating operating systems. It uses 16-bit instruction set of 8086, but it is limited to 64 KB RAM memory (in the manner of CP/M system).